Top 10k strings from Full-Width Printer System (1983)(Hilderbay).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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3 "printcode" 2 "Character to modify (or 2 iffinished)? ";b$ 1 printcode x 1 i;" ";i;" "; 1 a;" ? ");b 1 > !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~@ 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE"; 1 ;"Rewind tape and PLAY to verify. (If verification fails, then GOTO 630 )" 1 ;"MACHINE CODE LOADING" 1 ;"Insert a blank cassette then REC";#0 1 ;"How many codes does yours need? ( 1 ;"Each character is given with itsSpectrum code and printer code.",, 1 ;"Do you wish to change anything more 1 ;"Do you want to adapt the system to your printer 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 1 . If some of these are not available, use a similar character." 1 );"code number? ");a 1 (st+c);" ": 1 (("First " 1 ("New code for graphic "; 1 ("How many characters per line does your printer have ["; 1 ("Enter new code for ";b$(1 1 ("Enter new code for "; 1 '''"You may answer questions to 1 '"Write on your cassette the 1 '"The software is now customised to your printer. See the 1 '"The codes usually used are: 1 '"The Spectrum uses 8 as the back-space code." 1 '"Different printers require 1 '"Common combinations are: 1 '"CLEAR= 64735" 1 "number, pressing 1 "are the same. In particular, check #,`,', and 1 "You will be asked some 1 "What code does your printer use for backspace (probably 127)?";q$: 1 "WIDTH= ";st+133 1 "Verification complete." 1 "Second code number? ";a: 1 "SETUP= 65150" 1 "Rewind to 1 "Not all printers have a 1 "Do you wish to save the new 1 "Code of graphic to change (or 1 "COPY = 65200" 1 "(Your printer is too narrow for the screen copy routine).": 1 " 48K version" 1 questions. If the answer is a" 1 printer parameters to cassette 1 instructions for more details." 1 following details:" 1 enter the [default] value." 1 different codes to go back to the left-hand-side & move the paper up after printing a line." 1 character set identical to that of the ZX Spectrum, though most" 1 cases this is not necessary: just press 1 adapt this printer sytem to yourparticular printer. In many 1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuP 1 USER-DEFINABLE GRAPHICS 1 NORMAL CHARACTER SET 1 NEWLINE CHARACTERS 1 Hilderbay Ltd 1983" 1 GRAPHICS CHARACTERS 1 CR (only); CR LF; LF VT." 1 13 (CR, carriage return) 1 11 (VT, vertical tab)" 1 10 (LF, line feed) 1 FULL-WIDTH PRINTER SYSTEM